Friday, February 29, 2008

We have a winner!

Congratulations to Julie, the random drawing winner of the fabulous prize. Julie will be receiving a package containing her Samoas, a massive bag of Valentine Hershey Kisses, and lots of other fun items that I had lying around the house chose especially for her. So Julie, send me your address at chrissyfromthecarpoollane at gmail dot com, and I'll get that in the mail to you.

This was really fun! I had to overcome the impulse to send out cookies to all of you, especially those of you who have never had them. That hurt my heart.

Even though I couldn't send all of you cookies, I do want to thank you again for reading. You make me smile.

On a side note, I cannot believe the percentage of comments that were from my relatives and high school friends. (lurkers!) In the interest of full disclosure, I will confess to you that Julie and I went to high school together, or more specifically, she went to high school with my older sister, and I have fond memories of skipping school on their 'Senior Skip Days', even though I was an sophomore, and going to eat breakfast at IHOP.

Which brings me to the question, Julie, why was it so exciting to skip school if we still had to get up early and get dressed to go to a restaurant? What's the allure there? Why didn't we just sleep late and not go to school?

But I digress. Thank you again for reading, and for commenting, and I hope to be around for 100 more.


  1. *sigh*


    But congratulations, Julie. Enjoy your cookies! :)

  2. Julie, you stink!
    Fine, congrats to Julie, blah, blah, blah.
    jk ;)
    I am off to eat the remainder of the GSC I ordered before my pigish boys get to them.
    Great giveaway! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bad spelling I had to delete my last post!
    Congrats to Julie.

  5. julie has good taste in cookies.

    on our senior skip day we went to Cedar Point - the best amusement park in the whole world!!! (MQ comes by her rollercoaster lovin' honestly)

  6. WooHoo!!! Can you send those in an unmarked package? That way I at least have a chance of sneaking them in without the kids seeing.

    Ahh...senior skip days...LOL. What I wouldn't give to get up early to go to IHOP! Instead, I get up early to play waitress to three kids. Sorta makes me miss high school..ok..not really!

  7. Jealous... so very, very jealous...

  8. WHAT?! i missed a chance to win girl scout cookies?! (insert sad puppy dog face here)


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