Monday, December 3, 2007

Unto us a Nephew is Born!

My baby sister had a baby this morning, Trystan Liam, who arrived after just two hours of labor and no pain medication. Way to go, Stace. I'm proud of you.

Here are his stats: He is nephew #5, and he is 1,200 miles away from his aunt who desperately wants to go see him. Oh, you wanted pounds and ounces? Right: 7 and 2.

Welcome to the world, baby.


  1. a loved baby is the only thing we need to know.

    welcome to our world, baby.

  2. Two hours of labor??! I am insanely jealous.

    But...yay for babies!!!

  3. Congratulations!
    2 blessings - 2 hours of labor and a shiny new baby! Yay!

  4. Yay! And I am a little annoyed that I had to find out via your blog that Stacie had the baby! Slackers. I am glad that all went well. I can't wait to hear more details and see pictures!

  5. Oh YAY! Congratulations Stacy and family and Aunt Chrissy.

  6. If someone would stop changing (fruitcakes) emails someone would already HAVE pictures ::cough cough:: We will call you today.


  7. OH! All is forgiven now that I have seen that sweet little face! he is gorgeous! I just want to eat him up! Congrats guys!

  8. Awwww....what a precious babe!! Both of my boys were 7 pounds, 2 ounces!!


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