Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Little Sister Came to Town

And here's where we went last night:And here's what I wore:And now my feet hurt.


  1. YEEHAW!!! (Did you wear a hat, too? Inquiring minds want to know...)

  2. No, I don't own a cowboy hat, although there are a few occasions when I wish I did. The guy in front of me had on a big white one, and it showed up in a lot of my pictures.

  3. I live in Texas and don't own cowboy boots. I think it is against the law. LOL.

  4. Looks fun!!

    I think I'd probably hurt myself wearing those boots though. I'm a


  5. Hey there cowgirl! Nice boots. Mine are still in my closet from 10years ago. I have worn them um, maybe twice.
    The rodeo looks like a lot of fun!


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