Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Boys of Summer

There is a 'Summer Fun' photo contest going on now at 5 minutes for mom, and I've been looking through the eleventy jillion photos I took this summer, and I can't decide which is best. So I'll leave it up to you, dear reader(s), to vote for your favorite. A lot is riding on this, the prize for the contest is $500. So leave me a comment voting for your favorite one, and I will promise to share the prize with you think of you fondly if I win. Also, look through your own photos and enter for yourself over there as long as your photo isn't better than mine.

P.S. The sizes of the photos are all goofy, and I think it's flickr's fault. Also, they are all boys. Apparently the girls didn't have that much summer fun.

I wish this one wasn't as blurry as it is.


  1. I think the first and last ones are the best.

  2. I love the middle one. The colors and his facial expression are wonderful.

  3. I love the balloon one. The color really pops and makes the picture stand out.

  4. Oh, I love the last one- blurry and all.

  5. oh, the ballon, definately the balloon

  6. I vote for the balloon as well. Love that picture!

  7. That last picture is just so exuberantly joyous!

  8. I like the first one. I could go deep psychologically and say that is represents leaving something behind or going for something new, or being caught in the middle of the old and the new. But I'll just say I like it because I wish that were me right now!

  9. I vote on the last one. The joyous expression on his face with the goggles and the life vest says it all. Love it!


The kiddos

The kiddos

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