Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

(alternate title: Geeky Fun With My Camera)


  1. Pretty!!

    Happy Independence Day to you, too!

  2. Wow, those pictures are really cool! I've never attempted to photograph fireworks.

    Thinking of you! Much love!

  3. how fun to wake up and see a whole new firework show here! fabulous're becoming a real pro.

  4. Allison and I were looking at these pictures yesterday and she said "THOSE MUST HAVE BEEN THE BEST FIREWORKS EVER IN THE WORLD". I didn't tell her it was just your awesome camera. I let her think you really did see THE BEST FIREWORKS EVER IN THE WORLD. :)

  5. Those fireworks make me reminescent of the those "ro---tic" fireworks in Key West. THey look much lovlier than ours which were shot at a friends house by non professionals, where the grand finale included everyone diving behind cars, except for the pregnant woman with 2 children on her lap!


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