Friday, July 25, 2008

Gratuitous Fish Photos

From the Aquarium today...
I love the lips on this one.
Okay, so that one is a bird, not a fish.

Katie seems more concerned about her fingernails than that shark floating past her head.

And finally, my white whale. The manatee. Every time I go to the Aquarium I take photo after photo of him, and they are all blurry and hazy. I'll get you one day, Manatee. You just wait.

We are having a great time with our country cousins, only the country Aunt and I are completely exhausted. We had all these grand plans of seeing Fort Worth tomorrow, but it looks like we are going to settle for the dollar flick. Mainly because it is air conditioned.


  1. Thank you dear sister...I now have Barbara Manatee stuck in my head. Hehe!

    cool pictures though! I'm glad y'all are having fun!

  2. I too have Barbara Manatee in my head now. Thanks Stacie.

    I love the fish lip picture.

    Give Wendy and her crew a hello for me.

  3. Glad to help, Joy! I was going to find a YouTube video to link to but....they're all a bunch of weird people lip syncing. So instead, you just get lyrics with bad spelling. :-\

  4. Great photos! Now I want to go to the aquarium too.
    Glad you are having a great time! :)

  5. Ew, that blue fish give me the heeby jeebies. It reminds me of Wanda from In Living Colour... Member her?

  6. you know I would have been glued to the window with the shark

  7. I kind of TOTALLY love manatees. If it was practical, I would get one for my very own. It could live in the pool in my yard.


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