Monday, July 14, 2008

Just Like Oprah's Favorite Things, Only Cheaper

So instead of writing a decent post, I've been playing with my blog design for some reason. The header picture is one of my favorite photos ever, taken by my sister Wendy when we visited Big Bend National Park last fall. I'm standing in "the Window", which is the top of a waterfall that plunges straight down onto the desert floor. At the time, I didn't feel like I was too close to the edge, but looking at the picture makes me question my judgment.

I've been a little blue lately, partly hormonal and partly circumstantial, and one of the things I've been trying to do is to surround myself with little things that bring me joy. I've had a list of them whirring around in my mind, so in no particular order, here are a few:

1. Fresh home grown tomatoes. This is a new one for me. I've never understood why people love them so much until now. I bought four huge ones at the farmer's market, and I swear I ate every single bite. They are scrumptious.

2. Homemade Peach Cobbler. Made with fresh peaches from the farmer's market. I shared some of it with the family, but guess who finished it off for breakfast? (me)

I swear they're not all about food, but
3. Grilled squash and chicken quesadillas with cheese and sour cream. I've made them about three times in the last week. So creamy and good.

4. The chorus of this song:

It starts about 1 minute in, and it is infectious. I've been singing it, loudly, all around the house.

5. Sitting out in my backyard swing early in the morning. It's usually wet from the sprinklers, so I bring a towel and a Bible, and me and the birds just talk to God for a while before anyone else gets up.

6. Photographs. I don't know what it is about me, but I love taking them, looking at them, and forcing other people to look at them with me.

7. Happy Hour at Sonic, home of half price Dr. Pepper (with cherries)

I'll probably think of twelve more after I publish this. What about you? What brings you joy?


  1. Summer makes me so emotional and melancholy. Strange.
    Things that make me happy:

    -swimming at the lake with my boys
    -lying out in my backyard in the sun
    -drinking iced tea on my front porch
    -a warm breeze blowing through my windows
    -a new haircut
    -all the fresh summer fruit I can eat

  2. Hey, if it makes you feel better about that picture, I've got one of Tracee sitting with her feet dangling into the Grand Canyon. hee hee.

    It brings me joy to see my kids playing with their cousins...see you soon!

  3. ~comments on my blog
    ~starting a new book (when it's still brand new and it still could be the best book ever.)
    ~ice cream cones
    ~Photographs bring me joy too. The Man says I'm obsessed.
    ~clean sheet night
    ~Watching my kids sleep.
    ~Old friends who have blogs so I can keep up with their lives.

    I hope your melancholy passes soon.

  4. - hot showers
    - watching my kids sleep
    - 600 thread count sheets
    - chips and cheese dip
    - someone else vacuuming
    - the smell of fresh baked bread
    - good mail - cards or letters, free samples and magazines
    - uninteruppted sleep
    - Blue Bell ice cream

  5. Change the Sonic one to Cherry VANILLA Dr. Pepper and you got me too.
    Other than that, let's see:
    -watching my kids play TOGETHER
    -hearing the dance teacher comment on how mature Jess is compared to others in the class.
    -rocking in my rocking chair on the back porch
    -snowballs (any flavor)
    -yellow squash cooked like Grandma did it
    -bike riding with Leslie
    -a night when I can actually sleep rather than study or write essays

    However, one thing that makes me sad: missing out on the cousin trip to TN. Hopefully next time we'll make it.

    Love and miss you guys!

  6. Ok, in an effort to pull myself out of my own funk, I'll go in on this one too...

    - My boys making each other laugh
    - Hugs from my husband
    - Sleep.
    - Watching Myatt and Daddy catch lots of fish last weekend.
    - Singing along to our road trip CD with Myatt.
    - Driving through the Smokies a few weekends ago...with two sleeping boys and absolute silence.
    - Admiring the pictures taken by my sisters.

  7. First I must say that video made me think "Fire Hazard!"
    Things that bring me joy:
    a good cup of coffee
    a good strong hug
    when my daughter tells me "good job"
    a great football win (or baseball win or Nascar race)
    holding hands with my husband
    fried okra
    yea, grandma's squash
    chocolate pie
    chocolate pudding cake
    chocolate anything!

    Love you bunches babe!

  8. My husband being home on leave!!!!!



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