Friday, June 13, 2008

Extreme Makeover, 7 year old edition

We'll just file this one under they grow up too fast, shall we?

On Sunday afternoon, my baby looked like this:

(gap-tooth, braids, flipped up collar)

And by Tuesday evening, she had completely changed in to this:
(Missing another tooth and most of her hair)
(and more freckles are appearing every day)

She doesn't understand why we keep asking her to say "Sufferin' succotash." I need to get that kid a Looney Tunes DVD.


  1. Cute!!! I guess all the girls are going to have short hair this summer.

  2. She is just too pretty! Wow!

    My hubby and I were just saying the other day how we need to get a whole slew of Looney Tunes (mostly Bugs) DVDs so that the boys know what REAL cartoons are . :)

  3. That FACE!
    My girl got her SUPER LONG hair cut off last summer and WHOA did she look different. She's growing it out again now...


The kiddos

The kiddos

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