Saturday, May 23, 2009

An evening in the back yard

Okay so I've been putting up a lot of photos of my oldest lately, but I do have other children, random photos, and nothing interesting to say, so here goes.

My first harvest from the garden the other day. Pitiful but yummy anyway. Kate loves to take pictures of me with my camera, and I love to delete them. Then I was reading something the other day about how moms should get behind the camera, too, so the kids will have photos of us when we were (relatively) young, and the fact of the matter is in ten years I will look back on this photo with a face that is ten years older, and wistfully remember being only 33. Of course, in ten years I will have three teenagers and will probably look and feel much more than ten years older.

1 comment:

  1. That baseball shot of your little man is SO cute!

    KayTar and Katie would be awesome friends, I think. The dress up alone would seal the deal. LOL.


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The kiddos

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