Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We'll be Celebrating April Fools' Day Sometime Next Week

I'm working on a picture-laden synopsis of Katie's birthday party this past weekend, but I have NO TIME to get it done, or anything else blog-related, for that matter, so until I can get that finished, I will leave you with a belated Easter morning photo taken during a sibling argument. Good times.


  1. Oh my word! That is just the best Easter photo EVER! I love it. So real. And even though they are mad (well two of the three), they are all still so beautiful!
    Great pic!
    I hope things slow down for ya!

  2. Oh, those pouty faces!! I love it. :)

  3. the 2 little ones look so cute when they're mad!

  4. They are so cute, even with the pouty faces!

  5. so is the smiling child WINNING the argument, or just the biggest ham?


The kiddos

The kiddos

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