Sunday, January 17, 2010

Things are not quite the same

The kids have learned to ride bikes on hills for the first time in their lives. It took a few times, and I had to convince them that they should stand on the pedals to push uphill. They've never learned that skill before I guess, never ridden anywhere that wasn't flat as a pancake.


  1. I just took a few minutes to go back and read your older posts and catch up on what you've been doing. Quite a bit actually, huh?

    I'm so glad you have been able to slow down a bit, although I don't know how you did with a move in there and all. Glad life is feeling a bit more peaceful. That is a great way to start out the year. And I hope you get around to taking all of those trips you mentioned. I can't imagine taking too many trips this year but when all of my kiddos are just a tad older I know I will want to do that.

    Hope you are well. You and your family continue to be in my prayers. :)

  2. gorgeous.

    ha... i never thought of that. I grew up with hills. ;)


The kiddos

The kiddos

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