Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Suprise Snow

It never snows here. The weather forecasters said it wouldn't snow here. They said we wouldn't even have a frost.

They were wrong.

It only lasted about 2 hours, but it was fun.

In the back yard, we even had snowflakes shaped like basketballs. And one pogo stick.


  1. fun! when it snowed here last year, it was so exciting!

  2. We're hoping it makes it here Friday!

  3. HA! You got snow this year before I did! (We did get some flurries twice but it melted when it hit the ground.) Also, your kids seem to not be as jaded as mine. :)

  4. MAGIC!
    We are having flurries today - and non-stop snow till Christmas - but it STILL feels magical.

  5. I'm just now catching up on your last few posts. Sorry I'm late.

    Yeah for magical snow! :)
    Yeah for medical news!
    Boo for the huge front to back cut, should it be needed- hoping it won't.
    Yeah for the new contract with so far sane buyers! :)

    I'm keeping you in my prayers!


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