Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What's Playing at the Drive-In

We had been meaning to visit this theater about 40 miles from our house for quite some time now, and we finally got around to it Friday night. We went to see Night at the Museum 2. The weather was really pleasant, and there were lots of families there with frisbees and lawn chairs. There was 50's music playing on the old speakers, and we all played around and danced the twist until it got dark enough for the movie to start.

And we also ate our weight in junk food. The show began with some vintage theater propaganda.

Consequently I want to make this theater a regular habit. I really do. Then there were some vintage concession stand commercials, specifically one for dancing pickles.
Now I want to eat a dancing pickle. And I don't even like pickles.
Greg and I do this all the time- we dress in matching clothes and eat pickles in the car. Except I always wear my pearls. This lady is an amateur.
We really did, and we really will, thank you theater propaganda.

We only stayed for the first feature (Wolverine was the double) mainly because the kids didn't go to sleep like we had hoped. It was still great fun. We got home around midnight and I was awakened at 2 by my youngest, who had consumed half of the popcorn bucket (pictured above) and felt the need to puke it all back up all over everything in her room.

In conclusion I will never ever eat another bite of popcorn as long as I live. I am done. For life.

Thank God she didn't eat a bucket of pickles.


  1. I love starting my day off with a laugh. Glad y'all had so much fun! Minus the aftermath, of course. Hope Katie's better.

  2. stranded at the drive in

    branded a fool

    what will they say

    Monday at school?

  3. Andrew does the same thing when he has too much popcorn. I have to really monitor his popcorn intake!

    We saw Night of the Museum 2 today and we loved it! (we were at an uncool regular movie theater, though.)

  4. DRIVE IN! You lucky girl. Except for the popcorn barf. Gross.

  5. This post was absofreakin' hilarious. Sorry about the pukage. We had that this morning too.


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