Friday, March 27, 2009


My baby girl is turning five on Monday. Five. I've been telling her all week that I love Four so much that I want her to stay Four. Four is so sweet and affectionate and adorable. Each time I say it, Katie giggles and says, "No, I want to have a birfday and be five. I want to grow up! I'll still love you when I'm five!" And I tell her no, we'll have a birthday party, but it will be her Fourth birthday.

She doesn't care much for that suggestion.

Meanwhile, my usual temporary birthday insanity has taken over, and I've attempted to make these for the party. I don't know what possessed me to think this was a good idea, but it's done. I have company coming in the morning, the house is a mess, and the entire kitchen is candy-coated, but the cupcake pops are done. I don't know why I lose my mind every time one of my kids has a birthday. I am not a crafter or a baker. I have no tolerance for things that require attention to detail. But three times a year, I see something cute on the internet and say to myself, "YES. That is exactly what I need to spend my entire day doing, even though it is far beyond my skill level and will frustrate me beyond belief. How fun!"

So for now, I am going to bed and leaving the kitchen candy-coated until morning. Some close friends from Nashville are coming to stay here for the weekend with their precious baby, so we'll be doing lots of visiting and spades playing and birthday partying and enjoying the last few days of Age Four in our home. It looks like it's going to be a good weekend.


  1. Nicholas will be 6 on Tuesday and Gabriel is three today. I thought about making the cupcake pops myself as well, but decided I might wanna try them out on myself first... just in case!

  2. i am constantly telling MQ that she must stop growing now. she has pretty much the same reaction.

  3. What no pictures of your cupcake pops? I am very disappointed. I understand what you mean about four though. I felt that way about three. After reading your post, now I will SOAK up every second of four because it will soon be five.

    Tell Thomas and Dita we said hello! And tell them to come to OUR house next! I want to see Jrew (and Thomas and Dita, of course!).

  4. FIVE?? Your baby if FIVE already?? Sheesh! How long have I been reading you? I can't believe she is FIVE.

    Those cupcake pops are the CUTEST thing! I may just have to try it too. They are adorable.

    I think you go crazy for the kids' birthdays because you are a great mom who wants her kids to have wonderful birthdays they will always remember. Yep. That's why.


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